
Ensure that Black lives are a priority in all spaces from police brutality to COVID-19 to voter suppression, Black communities are under attack. We work to disrupt inequality, dismantle racism, and accelerate change in key areas including criminal justice, health care, education, climate, and the economy. When it comes to civil rights and social justice, we have the unique ability to secure more wins than anyone else. Help make racial equity a reality.

Join The Fight
As a member, you'll make a difference each and every day in this fight and become part of a vibrant community of people who stand for justice and equality. NAACP relies on the commitment and dedication of our members to help us stand up to racial disparities that are still too prevalent in America. Your membership allows you to:
Work with activists and organizers
Organize marches, rallies, and direct action campaigns to bring attention to local issues
Support access to quality education, healthcare, and economic opportunities
Advocate for laws and policies to improve your community
Participate in voter registration and get out the vote campaigns
Attend national events, regional conferences, and trainings to sharpen your advocacy and leadership skills
For additional information regarding membership contact state Secretary, Laura Bowman

Share The Fight
Submit upcoming events to be featured on the website.
There are many ways to join us and support our mission. Contact us to find out more about volunteer opportunities, fundraising events, and ways that you can get our message to your friends and family.
If you feel you have experienced a civil rights violation, please provide us with your concerns in writing via this online form.
Completing this form does not constitute filing an official complaint with a legal authority.

Support The Fight
We seek to address the major areas of inequality facing African Americans and other minority groups that are the focus of the NAACP’s work. You are vital to fulfilling the promise of each and every one of our goals. Please make a donation today. We have more civil and human rights history to make.

Physical: 7600 Airline Hwy. Baton Rouge, LA 70814
Mailing: P.O. Box 67051 Baton Rouge, LA 70896
(225) 892-1048